So, I was working for over three years at a County Office of Education and was approached by the local Superior Court to come be a Records Clerk. Seeing as how this new job offered the benefit of being only one mile from my house, I accepted the offer.
Not far into my new career path, I realized that even though the legal field intrigued me and I was (and still am) very interested in it as a subject, it was not the right path for me to be on as a career. Two and a half years later I was welcomed back into the arms of my beloved education realm by way of a local high school. I was hired to be the Senior Office Assistant covering the Registrar, Student Records, Media Center, College Visits, and Library!
This new job has been a God-send to me. I have been here almost a month and I cannot imagine being happier in a job assignment!
So, it turns out I really was meant to be with education all along. The former superintendent was right.