Thursday, May 6, 2021

Elizabeth Abbey, M. Ed.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I DID IT!  I have completed all my coursework with Grand Canyon University and completed my Student Teaching and as of today, May 05, 2021, I have met all requirements for a Masters of Education in Secondary Education!  WOW!  What a whirlwind.

I started this program mere months before a global pandemic, I started my student teaching on zoom, and I ended in a classroom teaching students online concurrently with students in the classroom, all whilst wearing a mask!

There is but one additional hurdle and that is my Assessment of Professional Knowledge, I'll be taking that exam on Monday, May 10 - so send those positive thoughts and prayers (I do believe they help!)

Let the teacher adventure begin!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Student Teaching

Well, it's certainly been a minute since I sat down and made a blog post.  Looks like I left off almost three years ago when I decided to take the CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test).  Well, I passed that and did nothing with it (except enjoy a few teacher discounts).  After taking the CBEST, I finished my Bachelor of Science degree from Azusa Pacific University and graduated in Dec. 2018.  Officially having the degree conferred upon me in April 2019.  Six months later, when it was time to start paying back student loans, I decided that if I was going to stay on this education course, I'd better get credentialed...

In October 2019, I enrolled in graduate school at Grand Canyon University for a Master of Education in Secondary Ed. with an initial teaching credential.  In March 2020, I took the Arizona exam for English teachers (about 10 days before we were locked down!)  I passed that and have been steadily going through classes for over a year now.  I am currently on my last class and will be starting my student teaching in January!  If all goes well, then in May 2021, I will have my Master's degree conferred upon me and that is just so crazy to me!  A girl who didn't like school, who flunked out of junior college, entered the work force, only to get back into the classroom as a teacher with a graduate degree.  I never would have guessed this would be my life!

Thursday, February 15, 2018


So, like my title states, I'm just a girl who "should have been a teacher" according to my friend, the former superintendent.... since that encounter, I have had several of the same type from my friends in education.  "You need to be a teacher!"

This led me to sign up for the CBEST (for those of you non-Californians, that's the California Basic Educational Skills Test, it's what let's you start the journey toward being a teacher.

In a few days I'll get my results from that.  I guess if I passed, I can start being a substitute teacher to see if this really IS the thing for me.

Life is an adventure!
Image result for cbest

Friday, October 7, 2016

Community Service

I work at a High School and one thing (of many) that I greatly admire about this particular school is their graduation requirement of at least 75 hours of Community Service.  That's voluntary service (not getting paid), to help out the community as a whole.

We have a list of approved organizations which the students can chose from or they can even submit a proposal for a new organization that they'd like to be added to the approved list.

There are those who will just make it to the bare minimum, they will rush to get those last hours in at the end of their Senior Year to simply satisfy a requirement.  They will complain about it the entire time that they are a student here and their parents likely will join in the commiseration and possibly complain to the Community Service Coordinator, Teachers, Administrators, other parents, whoever will lend an ear.

Then there are those who go above and beyond the mere satisfaction of a requirement.  I am in awe of these students, they have truly embraced the idea of helping their community and they are humbled and touched by their experiences.  They grow and when they turn in their reflection papers regarding the service, they are beautiful to read.

In life, you will get out of anything what you've decided to put into it.  When you help the community in which you live, you are really helping yourself, your neighbors, your family, your friends.  I see this as an outward world view, these people will have an awareness for those around them and a compassion that can only be learned.  The others will have an inward world view.  They will go through life seeing what is in it for them.

Which kind of person will you be?  Of course, these are just silly predictions.  What do I know?  I just work here.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Welcome Back to Education!

So, I was working for over three years at a County Office of Education and was approached by the local Superior Court to come be a Records Clerk.  Seeing as how this new job offered the benefit of being only one mile from my house, I accepted the offer.
Not far into my new career path, I realized that even though the legal field intrigued me and I was (and still am) very interested in it as a subject, it was not the right path for me to be on as a career.  Two and a half years later I was welcomed back into the arms of my beloved education realm by way of a local high school.  I was hired to be the Senior Office Assistant covering the Registrar, Student Records, Media Center, College Visits, and Library!
This new job has been a God-send to me.  I have been here almost a month and I cannot imagine being happier in a job assignment!

So, it turns out I really was meant to be with education all along.  The former superintendent was right.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

My Little Pony Party

My daughter is turning 5 this month and we just had an amazing birthday party for her at a local park. It was My Little Pony themed and my daughter dressed as Pinkie Pie.
The party was a hit and the decorations were amazing, thanks to the tireless efforts of my very best friend!!
A good time was had by all :)
Enjoy the pics:
The set up
A close up of the candy station
The water bottles were wrapped with My Little Pony duct tape!
We played "Pin the Cutie Mark on the Pony" and I found MLP puzzles at the local Dollar Store for the prize for closest!
The cake was ordered through a grocery store and I just added the figurines myself.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine's Day

So today at work we are celebrating Valentine's Day because we have tomorrow off for Lincoln's Birthday (side note: Abraham Lincoln preferred to be called "Lincoln", hated the name "Abe", and was basically obsessed with cats).

We love Valentine's Day here. So far I have received a cake pop, almonds, and assorted chocolates as well as some VERY cute Valentines. I think next year we will be doing more and each creating a Valentine bag with our name on it for everyone to deliver their little love notes.

My feeling is, if you can't have fun at work... get a new job! I love that we have fun here and that we ALSO get our work done. It's the best of both worlds.

Wishing you all a VERY Happy Valentine's Day 2014!
