Thursday, February 15, 2018


So, like my title states, I'm just a girl who "should have been a teacher" according to my friend, the former superintendent.... since that encounter, I have had several of the same type from my friends in education.  "You need to be a teacher!"

This led me to sign up for the CBEST (for those of you non-Californians, that's the California Basic Educational Skills Test, it's what let's you start the journey toward being a teacher.

In a few days I'll get my results from that.  I guess if I passed, I can start being a substitute teacher to see if this really IS the thing for me.

Life is an adventure!
Image result for cbest

1 comment:

  1. Quite impressed with the share providing educational skills. Saw many MBE Practice Questions online and I would not be able to solve them until I get an expert help. Will search for some tutorials online to learn few tips and tricks regarding the same. Basic knowledge regarding the same is already given by my friend's sister.
