Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tumbleweed Elementary

My boss and I went on a site visit today. We drove approximately 77 miles each way to visit a school in Palmdale, CA. Not long ago, an article was published about Tumbleweed and how they enhance student excellence by incorporating expanded learning time.
They have an extra hour each day and added 7 days to their school year. It was an amazing visit!
The principal, Jezelle, showed us around the campus and talked about the Professional Learning Communities she has created on her campus.
What a model of a great school site culture!!
A+ for Tumbleweed!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

American Girl Dolls

Growing up I so wanted to have an American Girl doll. I loved Samantha, Kirsten, and Felicity. I remember cherishing the catalogues when they came. I would spend hours and hours looking at all the dolls and outfits dreaming about the day when I would have my very own.
That day came all too late for me. I was an adult before I purchased my first AG doll for myself while visiting American Girl Place in NYC. I was in college. I didn't get that childhood playtime I dreamed about. But I made a list of dolls I wanted for my collection and slowly I am acquiring them. Only three more to go!
This is what I believe initially started my passion and drive to learn more about history, and not just America's history, but the history of cultures much older than ours.
I found some pics of old Pleasant Company catalogs I'll share here.
So feel free to fall back into your childhood and open your mind to the dreams of your past!

Best Regards,